Curious if your chronic pain, fatigue, or other symptom could be neuroplastic in nature? The FIT assessment is the best place to start, before pursuing any treatments or brain retraining programs!
Read MoreCan Pain Reprocessing Therapy be applied to non-pain symptoms too? Let’s explore this foundational tool for mindbody recovery!
Read MoreWhat do you do when you're in the middle of the winter blues or are having an otherwise rotten day? Here are 9 easy ways to shift into a better state.
Read MoreFeel like someone is pressing the fast-forward button on your life? Here are a few ways to slow down, get present, and create some spaciousness.
Read MoreIf you love someone who is healing their chronic conditions through a program like DNRS or Gupta, you may wonder how you can best support them. Here are 10 ways!
Read MoreWhether you’re already working in the healing arts, or you hope to in the future, these 5 essential skills for healers are vital to your long-term success.
Read MoreWondering where your libido has gone? Here are my top 13 libido-killers, and some tips to help you get your groove back!
Read MoreContinuing our series of energy rituals after a breakup- the final, and most important, steps to your healing.
Read MoreWhat can you do, after a breakup, to take care of yourself and your precious energy? Let’s start with the first steps, to help you heal and move on.
Read MoreEver wonder why certain colors help you relax, while others irritate the heck outta you? Come learn the basics of color psychology!
Read MoreWe can only heal when we have the right brain chemistry. Let’s talk about DOSE, and how we can boost these molecules, naturally!
Read MoreWe're living in a tremendous time right now, and there's never been a better opportunity to invest in your own Reiki training. Come learn why your energy education matters to the world!
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