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Hi! It’s me, Mel.

I started A Brighter Wild after a powerful dream, and as an outlet for my passion for helping others heal through a beautiful blend of science and spirituality. What started as a simple blog about my own healing journey soon flourished into a client-focused practice where I get to work with people all over the world.

I'm proud to be a Certified Health Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, Meditation Teacher, and intuitive guide. My own experiences with chronic illness opened my heart and mind to the world of holistic healing, and I am now devoted to helping others break free from these challenges too.


I am here to be your guide, helping you master your own energy, retrain your brain, and feel safe in your body again. Through various modalities, including brain retraining, Reiki healing, meditation, and nutrition, we will explore ways to nourish your nervous system and engage your innate ability to recover.

My Journey

My healing adventures began after getting mysteriously ill in the summer of 2009. Strange symptoms of dizziness, brain fog, exhaustion, headaches, heart palpitations, anxiety, and many more seemingly popped up out of nowhere, and I was left debilitated, unable to work or attend school. In the years that followed, I received dozens of diagnoses including ME/CFS, Lyme Disease, POTS, Fibromyalgia, PPPD, Anxiety Disorder, and Insomnia. After fighting endlessly for answers and trying more than 30 different protocols, detoxes, and diets to no avail, I finally left the Western chronic illness treadmill behind. Once I realized that my conditions/symptoms were neuroplastic in nature, and began utilizing a mind-body approach, real shifts started happening. My recovery continues to unfold, but after years of being housebound, I am enjoying the freedom to eat whatever I want, exercise again, travel again, and plan a future I can be excited about!

And now that I have found the way out of years of intense symptoms, I am wholly devoted to helping other women like me use the power of mind-body therapies to reclaim their lives too.

While my educational background began in physiology, neurology, and clinical health sciences, it has since flourished to include a great deal of spiritual and intuitive wisdom. I love to play in the edges where science and spirituality meet, and personally have found the most healing when I included both.


Through personalized coaching and energy medicine, I can help you feel safe in your body again and claim the vitality and joy that is your birthright. I am here to help create a roadmap for your own healing adventure, using all the tools we have available outside of the conventional paradigm. I believe that if you’re here, reading this right now, it’s a sign that it’s time to dive in. Shall we?



  • B.S. Human Health Sciences- Colorado State University

  • Certified Health Coach- Primal Health Coach Institute

  • Certified Herbalist (Intermediate level)- Herbal Academy of New England

  • Certified Vitalist Herbalist- School of Evolutionary Herbalism

  • Certified Reiki Master/Teacher- Usui Tibetan tradition

You can find my work in a variety of places, including:

Paleo Magazine ▽  Mother Earth Living △  No Sidebar ▽  Inner Balance Healing △ Be Kind Magazine