Energy Alchemy Sessions
Personalized intuitive healing sessions to nourish the nerves and boost the spirit.
Energy Alchemy sessions offer a unique blend of energetic, spiritual, and cognitive healing modalities, giving you both insights and deep energetic transformation!
I often describe Energy Alchemy sessions as a co-creative meditative journey. You’ll be able to sit back, relax, and receive a tailored blend of healing modalities based on your needs and intentions for the session.
Together, we may explore any combination of the following:
Traditional Usui Reiki energy healing
Energy cord-cutting
Chakra rebalancing
Somatic tracking/felt sense awareness
Inner child work
Internal family systems (IFS)
Shamanic journeying
Connection with angels and other spirit guides
You may also choose to receive a brief tarot or oracle card reading at the end of your session, for further insights.
Past clients have reported feeling a deep sense of calm and peace after these sessions, along with a renewed sense of purpose. Energy Alchemy sessions are perfect for support during any life transition, addressing chronic health issues, and clearing the roads for manifesting a new relationship/career/home.
If you’ve never had Reiki before, I recommend checking that out HERE.
And if you’re curious about my intuitive energy reading process, read up on that HERE.
* Please note: I do not offer in-person sessions at this time. My practice is 100% virtual. Also- Energy Alchemy sessions are audio only (either phone or VoIP).
Sliding scale pricing
If you are experiencing financial hardship, I offer a sliding scale fee for my sessions. Please contact me to schedule.